I wouldn't say this boring beige wall necessarily needed a "facelift"...maybe just some spunk! After many swatches hanging on the wall and walking past them everyday, we both decided on Behr's "Grand Rapids". It looked a bit dark on the swatch but I really didn't want a "teeny-bopper" turquoise vibe goin' on...
"Honey...I'm home...blah, blah, blah, here's my boring mudroom wall...blah."
And so it began...the process to go from: "Honey, I'm home...(head down, scuffling feet, frown)" to "WHOA! Honey! I am SO home now! Woo hoo!"
After painting the wall, we ordered the wall quote we had been eyeing for quite some time. After finding a couple coupons and a week later, it arrived!! Then the hesitation of putting the quote on the wall began. Neither one of us wanted to start it because we were so nervous! The entire quote was separated into 3 different pieces so each piece had to be perfectly placed on the wall each time-centered, leveled, lined up with the previous sentence, and the drama goes on and on! In the midst of spontaneous arguments, sweat and frustration, we finally got it all up! It took 3 days and a lot of muscle!
We're smiling for the camera but were not very happy. This project was kind of a nightmare! It's hard to explain but first you have to place the word section on the table and rub the letters to make sure they stick to the transfer paper and not the backing paper. Then when we started to peel off the backing paper, a lot of letters were just not sticking to the transfer paper still. So, eventually, we found a system where I rub all the letters, then Dan rubs all the letters. Then we pull the backing off while still on the table to catch any letters that didn't make it. Then center it on the wall and level it. THEN! We started to rub the letters onto the wall, one time for me, one time for Dan. Then we peeled off the transfer paper and had to make sure each letter stuck to the wall as the paper was pulled back. PHEW! So dramatic!!
Finally done and we love it! BARELY worth it but now it is our favorite part of the whole house!